Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research

Home Prof.Jamiu O. Azeez

Prof.Jamiu O. Azeez

Prof. Jamiu O. Azeez is currently the Program Leader of Crop Research at Institute of Food security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR). He graduated from the University of Agriculture, Nigeria in 1997, completed his Masters’ (2000) and PhD (2005) degrees in Soil Chemistry from the same University. He was a research fellow at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (2002-2005), and also a postDoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scientist/Lecturer at Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa (2009 – 2010).

His principal research interests are in Soil and Environmental Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Pollution Studies. He became a Professor of Soil Chemistry in 2017 and was the Principal Investigator in a collaborative research sponsored by Royal SocietyDFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative Programme Awards in December, 2014 with a total value of One Million, One Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty-Two Pounds (£1,132,162.00). He has great passion for scientific researches and teaching.

He has published over one hundred (100) articles in international peer reviewed and high impact journals and conference proceedings. Prof Azeez also review articles for over twenty-five journals and have supervised over thirty-eight post graduate students and over fifty undergraduate students. He is a registered soil scientist and also member of Soil Science Society of Nigeria, International Union of Soil Science and International Society of Organic Agriculture Research. Professor Azeez is an International Soil Consultant with h-index of 19 and i10-index of 34 with 1346 citations on google scholar.