Home About Ifserar


Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research

The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) established the Research and Development Centre (RESDEC) in April, 1990 to address the research component of its tripodal mandate of teaching, research and extension services. To expand the research scope of the University and sufficiently fit into the modern trend, the Senate of the University, at its 178th meeting held on December 3, 2009, considered and approved the transformation of RESDEC to a full Research Institute called Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR).

Our Vison

The new Institute was visioned to be the foremost Research Institute working towards the sustainable attainment of food security in Nigeria.

Our Mandate


  1. To identify agricultural problems and needs of Nigeria and conduct appropriate research to address them within the context of overall national development;
  2. To conduct research relevant to small-scale farming and commercial agriculture;
  3. To develop improved storage and processing technologies for agricultural produce so as to reduce post-harvest losses and value addition;
  4. To develop improved varieties of crops and breeds of livestock and adaptable wildlife species;
  5. To develop prototypes of improved agricultural implements and machinery which will enhance productivity and reduce drudgery;
  6. To conduct research on food security, poverty alleviation, nutritional enhancement and improvement of rural livelihoods;
  7. To foster collaborations between the Institute and donor agencies, national agricultural research organizations, international agricultural research centres as well as agricultural research networks;
  8. To foster agricultural information exchange and dissemination through agricultural research seminars, workshops, conferences and publications.